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About Us 关于我们
邦姆实业(上海)有限公司 位于上海松江经济技术开发区,距浦东国际机场车程约40分钟,距虹桥国际机场约20分钟,距沪杭高铁松江站3公里,沪杭高速1公里,交通十分便捷。
作为一家面向全球,致力于打造以载人登高升降平台为主的国际品牌的工业公司,邦姆(BUOMU Industry)秉承“靠人才,抓管理;上质量,创名牌;取信天下,跃居群雄”的治企方针,凭借强大的技术研发实力和精良的设施装备,在液压登高升降领域的领先技术和严谨的制造工艺,全面提升售后服务管理体系,优化零部件供应及时效。凭借雄厚的财政支持、地方政府的大力扶持,自创立之始就采用国际先进管理模式,通过欧盟CE-SGS产品认证,夯实ERP,不断强化供应链管理)、供应商关系管理、产品生命周期管理、全面推行纵向一体化的运营模式。
公司拥有五大产品线,登高取料升降平台、铝合金桅杆式升降平台、剪叉式高空升降平台、可移动臂式高空升降平台、固定升降平台 近百余规格产品畅销欧美亚及中东各国,得到生产制造型企业、建筑施工与安装企业、商业型企业、物流仓储型企业等众多行业用户一致认可好评。
In the beginnings
In the beginnings,We mainly develop material handling equipment, aerial work equipment, environmental equipment, shop equipment, chemicals packaging and storage areas and growing rapidly
After more years of development,BUOMU Industrial first overseas company established,Designed to help manage foreign exchange shortages, tariffs, import controls, and global customers better and more convenient service.
BUOMU company innovative technology revolution makes our products customers include the world's part of government, business organizations, institutions and SMEs to use the product specified.
We have a very simple idea that Quickly understand customer needs, provide the best solution for MRO, direct shipping to customers,Our products are successfully used in medicine, books, food, chemicals, building materials, supermarkets, household appliances, automobile and other industries.
BUOMU History of China
In 2009, BUOMU Industrial Equipment Co., Ltd. was established,It aims to invest in China's domestic material handling, product marketing, customer service and so on.We are committed to provide enterprises with storage systems and complete integrated logistics management solutions, and the best logistics equipment and peripheral products to enable enterprises to reduce costs, create more profit.
By 2010 the company has got rapid development and growth,To achieve performance up to 50% annual growth,We introduced the revised and updated Code of Conduct and the global business strategy. We will provide a competitive price, for every consumer to customize and provide products with advantages.